Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I've been tagged!

While I've been too lazy to post about my knitting, lets play again. I've been tagged with this game by Pinneguri. Thanks!

The rules of the game are that each player answers the following five questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags five or six other people. The player should then notify those individuals that they have in turn been tagged. Also, once you have posted your answers, please let the person who tagged you know.

1. What were you doing ten years ago?
10 years ago I had my second child (my first son), who was 5 months old in June. And I had just began my work as a bookkeeper. Yes, I did my work at home beside my baby and been doing that ever since.

2. What are five things on my to do list?
1. Finish the annual reports by the end of the next week.
2. Learn to use my time more efficiently.
3. Finish the renovation at our home by the end of the summer (or at least some of it).
4. Become physically more active. I really do sit down too much time and it shows :)
5. Knit, knit, knit.

3. Snacks I enjoy.
Chocolate, cakes, biscuits... Well, You see, I do enjoy sweet things and it shows too.

4. Things I would do if I were a billioniare?
Oh, I do have one big dream, that really needs some billions of estonian crowns - I dream about a cottage at seaside or in the woods. I want to have a little garden of my own and a cozy place to spend my summers.

5. Places I have lived?
Can You believe, I've only lived in two places: first 20 years in Tallinn and last 20 years nearby Tallinn, in Laagri.

I tag the following persons:
Segasummasuvila Lola69


Anonymous said...

HI! You knit beautifully. I don't know any Estonian knitters who live in Estonia, so I'm sending you a question. Years ago I found a wonderful Estonian knitting book called "Silmuskudumine" by Claire Hallik at the Boston Public library and photocopied it. From time to time I've searched over the web for it, but I can only find it in auctions. Do you know whether it ever appears for sale anywhere? Thanks for any information, Dan Schultz danschul@umich.edu

Anneli said...

Annan teada nagu oivik kunagi, et tehtud, viis järgmist on "märgistatud "http://annejeanne.blogspot.com/2008/06/intreld-2.html

Anneli said...

Mis puudutab Mystic Meadowsit - muster on juba müügis, seekord oligi tasuline KAL. Ja eks need 5 dollarit motiveerisid mind ka nii järjekindlalt seda edasi punnitama...

Ing. said...

Vastasin oma blogis!

Gio Ve said...

Hello from Italy!
Visit my Italian-Estonian blog http://pillandia.blogspot.com (Riigipiirid)